Wednesday, 11 September 2013


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Here you can learn English Grammar with easy steps. 

Exercise to Develop Breath Control 

Hold your breath. Harden your abdominal muscles as if you expect someone to punch you. Feel the tension built in the abdominal muscle. Now relax and feel the muscles go slack. Repeat the exercise several times rapidly. Your next step is to combine breathing with the hardening and relaxing exercises.  For detail Click Here

Spoken English with Easy Steps
Inhale fully, and sayee softly as you exhale. Do the.& nbsp
same with oh and ah. Listen for wavering or&nbsp
irregularity of breath. Practice till the sounds come
out in an easy flow.
(A wide-open vowel like ah takes&nbsp
more air than slightly open vowel like ee. A friction&nbs
sound like s
{as in this} takes four or five times as much&nbsp
air as an explosive sound like d
{as in hid}. You need&nbsp
to use the muscles to supply the amount of air required&nbsp
to create the sound)&nbsp.        For detail Click Here

Exercises to Improve Resonance 

Humming is an excellent exercise to improve Restoration. Close your lips lightly and hum. Hold the
sound for fifteen counts. To check if you are humming right (to improve resonance) your lips should tickle.
Repeat this exercise several times. For detail Click Here


When we emit sounds like aaaa-hhhhaa, it's not articulation.
On the farm, when a cow moos, the cow is producing a
moo-sound that's all.
The cow does not use her tongue, lips
and jaw to chop that sound into syllables or words. That
stream of sound needs to be chopped and moulded into
distinct words. Hence, the sound which is enriched and
magnified by resonance, is still simply sound per se. It is not
speech. For detail Click Here

Correcting Speech Blemishes 

linguistically, India is so much similar to Europe. Each
state, region and zone has its own language with
distinct speech characteristics. Some speak their regional
languages through clenched jaws, while some through open
jaws. For detail Click Here

Exercises to Correct Breathiness 

I} in the following pairs of words be sure that you do
not lose any breath when pronouncing the h. The
vowel in the second word should not have more
breathiness than that in the first word. .
Eat - heat it - hit ate - hate arm - harm
all - hall old - hold eye - high air - hair
In the following, form the vowel tones very carefully
and then prolong the vowel sounds:
who, ho, ha, haw, how, home, hunt, hum,
him, hem, he.
Pronounce the following words and sentences carefully
making sure that you do not use too much breath:
sister thistle photograph freshman
statistics sixty-six pamphlets philosophy
time and tide thick and thin tit for tat
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. For detail Click Here

Rules for Accent 

In compound numbers, for example 26, or 2006,
(twenty-six or two thousand and six), generally stress
the smallest unit, which is 6.
In the numbers from thirteen to nineteen there is an
equal stress on each syllable; no heavier stress on the
first syllable.  
To neutralist such situations, or to turn them around to your advantage you may have to: 
1)vary your volume and tone according to the distance between you and your listeners. When speaking to a large gathering, aim for the people in the last row to hear you clearly; 

2) manipulate the environment as much as possible by allowing the audience to first settle down before you speak to them. After your audience has settled down, shut the doors. Then, depending on the nature of your talk, it is not impolite to ask your listeners to switch
off all cellular phones;  
For detail Click Here

Overcome Nervousness

Your pitch range can be increased by exercise, but it must be done gradually and by the right methods. One way of finding the best pitch for you, if you know something about music, is to sing down the scale to the lowest note you can reach without straining. That's your normal key. Start work from that normal key and move to higher and lower tones, always keeping your voice relaxed, pleasant, and expressive. Practice constantly with the use of a recorder and listen to your recording. Save the first recording to compare our pitch range with the current recording, say after a couple of months of daily practice. For detail Click Here

Learning the Art of Conversation

The push-of-the-button-fast-food culture has adversely affected conversation skills. It's so difficult to have a conversation these days. At home, it is hushed or rushed - limited to when the commercial is on, or at rare moments
when the television is off. In the car, it is drowned by the blare of FM channels. At the office, it's all about work, pressure, stress. At parties, it's simple recitation of dead- end phrases like these: "Hi, how're you?"
 (Try answering that!) "How's work?" 
(Answer in one sentence!)
"Awful weather!" (So what?)
These prefabricated trite questions are total dead-ends;
the conversation can't go any forward. It gets worse when
the other speaks in monosyllables. ,
Ashok: "Hi, how'er you?" .
Tina: "Fine."
Ashok: "I'm Ashok." For detail Click Here 

Isn't your sister married yet?
Your brother's still single?
You've put on weight since I last saw you.
What did you pay for that suit?
You look pale! Are you ill?
Your dress was so much in fashion in the 70s.
I won't attempt to tell you the details of the work I do.
It would be over your head.  For detail Click Here

1. Laughter

A good hearty laugh is always welcome but it should be
under control at all times. A person with a sharp or shriU
laugh, which conjures images of a horse snorting, a donkey
braying, or a bird shrieking, should be controlled. While
forced laughter sounds very artificial, loud thunderous
guffaws, which fill the entire room disrupting others'
conversations, also need to be reined in.
how we sound to others? Unfortunately, not many of us
have given a thought to the vehicle of communication called

We naturally assume that we speak pretty well and
it's the other person who has a hearing problem.

Before we leave home to meet some people don't we make
an effort to groom ourselves in order to make a good
impression? Just as we pay attention to personal grooming,
so also we have to pay attention to 'verbal grooming.'
We have to learn to modulate our tone and pitch so that we
train ourselves to speak in a pleasant tone of voice; we have
to learn to articulate and pronounce words properly so that
we express ourselves with cultured refinement.

In making this sound, the tongue is not arched so high as it
is for the long e. The lips are still not rounded but they are
not so tense as in long e. The throat and tongue muscles are
more relaxed than they are in the long e.

Ten men said to them.
Any weather would be better for the ten friends.
Did Ed sell the pen?
Some contrasting minimal pairs for long a and short e.
sail - sell wait - wet late - let bait - bet
pain - pen mate - met laid - led raid - red
saint - sent paint - pent
The mate -wet the sail.
Ten saints were sent to sell the sail at the sale. '
It's never too late to get: the bait and the pen from the crate.
Some contrasting minimal pairs for short e and short i.
The English II:as in ask
There is an intermediate a sound which is halfway between
the Italian a and the short a. Some call it the English a. The
sound is made with the middle of the tongue, while the
short a is made with the front, and the Italian a is made
with the back. All the words pronounced with this vowel
may be pronounced with the short a, but not all the words
which have a short a may be pronounced with this
intermediate a. (The Americans use the English a).If you
work in a 'Call Center' and have to speak American-ism,
then use this sound in all the words in which it can be
used. But if you use it inconsistently, people will easily judge
that you are trying to 'put on a show. The following are the·
chief words using this sound:

This is a difficult sound and one which has a number of
accepted pronunciations in various parts of the world. Some
people pronounce it like the Italian a, others pronounce it
like the aw sound in awesome. The best seems to be the sound
somewhere in between these two sounds.

To get the middle sound, the short 0 should not be produced in the front of
the mouth. If you do so, the result is an law' sound. The
short 0 sound is made in the back of the mouth, the soft
palate raised and the back of the tongue depressed.  For detail Click Here

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a bunch for sharing. This is something I have been considering for a year now. I like it, thank you for showing your model and mindset to understand the concept of Learn English Grammar . Saving this one for later! Thank you!!
