Learn about the Breathing Exercise:

Exercises to Develop breathing-from-the-diaphragm Technique

Hold your breath. Harden your abdominal muscles as if you expect someone to punch you. Feel the tension built in the abdominal muscle. Now relax and feel the muscles go slack. Repeat the exercise several times rapidly. Your next step is to combine breathing with the hardening and relaxing exercises.

When you inhale, harden the muscles and push the abdomen outwards. when you exhale, pull in sharply, as if you wanted to bring the front side of your abdomen as near as possible as to your backbone. Pant, as you would after a long, fast run.

The panting should be quick. the mouth fully open. The shoulders should not rise but the movement of the wall of the abdomen should be vigorous. Sip the breath in slowly, packing it against the belt, and making the lungs as full as possible. Then exhale it violently pulling in the abdomen.
Exercises to Develop Breath-control

We are all communicators As parents, teachers,
operators, supervisors,
managers, politicians,
students, lawyers or
whatever - we all need' to .
communicate with meaning
and feeling.

When speaking or reading, it is important to instructors, telephone note that your breathing must be governed by the meaning of the passage. You should never breathe in the middle of a phrase. know the importance of You should breathe at the breath-control in order to end of a full sentence, marked by a period, or at the end of an idea which is marked by a colon or semicolon.

There may be a pause after short phrases, but ordinarily there should be no breathing. However, to gain

control, it is useful to begin by breathing even after short phrases in order to avoid breathing in the middle of the phrase. The following exercises will help you to develop: control of breathing, deep inhalation, controlled exhalation. As you practice the exercises daily, the number of breaths taken in the course of a sentence should be reduced until you can read or speak the whole sentence in one breath without straining your face or throat muscles.

Exercises' Force the abdominal muscles outward. While the muscles are still tense, inhale as deeply as possible, and then exhale. Inhale as quickly as possible through the nostrils. Push the ribs out as far as possible. Hold ten counts, and then exhale quickly. Inhale slowly.

Now hold your breath without straining: then exhale slowly watching the second hand of the clock.
Can you reach fifteen seconds in one exhalation?

As you keep practicing this exercise, gradually increase the count, avoiding all tension, particularly in the throat and face muscles. You can test the evenness of your breath by holding a slip of paper about two inches in front of your lips. Inhale slowly. As you exhale, whistle as softly as you can.

For how many seconds can you continue to whistle steadily without taking another breath?

Try to increase your holding power. Or count steadily as you exhale.
Take a deep breath; as you exhale blow the breath out through the lips in a 'f' sound. Hold the sound as steady as possible - as long as"You can. When you are able to clock twenty: seconds, 'change the sound to's' and repeat the exercise.
Long u:as in duty
This is a distinct sound in English, but in many places there
is a tendency to pronounce it as the long 00. You may choose
either, but as with the intermediate a, it is good to be
consistent in your usage. Those working in Call Centres
and have to speak 'American-ism' may want to pronounce
it as the long 00. Also remember, the long u is sometimes
spelled as u, ur, eu, ew and is pronounced like the pronoun
you. The following are the chief words with the long u:

mute mutual suicide peculiar destitute
duty eulogy pursuit nuisance individual
duke Eugene supreme maturity particular
suit avenue lunatic accurate factual
news stupid Tuesday graduated revolution
Luke neuter produce community stupendous
tune tumult fortune communism substitute
endure student impudent situation institution
resume commune impunity numerical contribution
beautiful dispute opportunity gratitude manufacture

The new tutor teaches a new tune in due time.
The wind blew the new student from the zoo to the new
The beauty of June is appreciated only by those in tune
with nature.
Contrast in sound between long 00 and long u:
do - due soot - pursuit chews - news
100 - Luke tool - fuel moon - tune

The diphthong ow: as in -:

A diphthong is two vowel sounds blended together. In otherwords, a diphthong starts with one vowel sound and glides
continuously toward another vowel sound. When
pronouncing this sound, start with the tongue in the position
for the Italian a; the tongue is low centre, the mouth wide
open, and the lips un-rounded. During the sound, you
change to the position needed to pronounce the short 00,
by raising the tongue to a high back position and keep the
lips rounded. Please note, by changing the sounds in rapid
succession (from Italian a to short 00) you are able to produce
the diphthong ow.

bow gown bough crown found
how noun round porud mound
sow prowl bowel bound devout
brow scowl count drown hound
cow foul out down allow

I found the town surrounded by mountain owls.
Round and round rolls the sound.
Without doubt, Mary's mouth pouts when she goes
downtown to buy her gown.
The brown leather-bound book was found on the round
Long 0: as in no
To pronounce this sound, the tongue position is middle
back, and the lips are rounded. The muscles are tense.
Iuring the sound, the tongue is raised to the back position.
This causes the vowel to be slightly diphthongised - that is,
there are two sounds in the long 0: 0 and 00. The 0 is stressed
and prolonged. Long 0 is also spelled oa.

toe mote host moat spoke poetry
so over bole bowl choke profile
post folk open don,t cloak clothes
vote mole goal nobody noble control
roll only boat local float prologue
wove know both roman float opponent

The sound aw: as in law
Due to speech habits related to vernacular languages, some
people mispronounce this sound. To get this sound right,
the tongue position is low back; the lips are slightly rounded
and the muscles are tense. Aw may also be spelled as au or ou.

law ball false falter thought
saw faun crawl naught halt
jaw cause(z) taught almost(awl) call
all(awl) pause(ze) lawyer alright already(awlr-)
bawl ought sought although fought

Contrast between long soand aw:


coal - call toast - tossed coat - caught cold -:- called
note - naught boat - bought low -law foal - fall
Contrast between aw and short u:
faun - fun
call - cull
song - sung
chalk - chuck
caught - cut
bought - but

In the following pairs of words and sentences, be sure to
distinguish between the different phonic sounds clearly. A
good way to practice for quick results is to record your voice
while you practice; and, later, with your eyes shut, listen
closely to the recording - can you distinguish the sounds
clearly without straining? If yes, you're getting better. If
no, practice a little more and you will get there.


but - bet
son - send
what - whet mutt - met nut - net
under - enter alone - Ellen the - then
The mother sent some better butter for the Monday mess.
Unless the son comes the men will just rest.

B) moss - muss hot - hut long - lung boss - bus
not - nut lost -lust collar - colour lock - luck
The doctor does not come from the front.
How long has the nut been lost?
top - tap
wrong - rang
sod - sad
possible - passable
hod - had
cop - cap
cot - cat
rot - rat
mop - map
jog - jag
bog - bag
odd - add
song - sang
log - lag
lock - lack

He had a ham sandwich not a hot sandwich.

He rang the wrong number and got a mop instead of a

4. not - note cot - coat Tom - tome rot - rote
got - goat clock - cloak hot - host sock - soak
Tom got an old goat and a hot coat.
Do not learn that note by rate.
man - mine than - thine sad - side
bad - bide rat - rite tart - trite
That man always sees the sad side of things.
Bide your time and the tire won't go flat.

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