Short e. as in best
The tongue position of this sound is middle front and the muscles are relaxed.
yet | dead | instead | precedient |
bed | rest | possess | recognise |
get | best | effigy | recommend |
red | test | sense | secretary |
mess | nest | temple | restaurant |
desk | says(sez) | sedentary | length(leng-th) |
fell | said (sed) | except | eleven (ileven) |
stretch | terrible | president | brethren(breth-ren) |
medical | shepherd | necessary | strength(streng-th) |
Ten men said to them.
Any weather would be better for the ten friends.
Did Ed sell the pen?
Some contrasting minimal pairs for long a and short e.
sail - sell wait - wet late - let bait - bet
pain - pen mate - met laid - led raid - red
saint - sent paint - pent
The mate -wet the sail.
Ten saints were sent to sell the sail at the sale. '
It's never too late to get: the bait and the pen from the crate.
Some contrasting minimal pairs for short e and short i.
saint -----sent
Will Nellie bring a pin or a pen?
This weather is getting bitter not better.
Then, he thinks his pet is the best?
Busy men win blessings.
Short a:as in van
Notice that the tongue position for this sound is lower front
with the muscles tense. The lips are somewhat extended at
the side, and the mouth should be opened wide.
am | abbot | accidentally | Abraham |
fan | abbey(abbe) | atmosphere | Africa |
man | family | exaggerate | absence |
span | abbess | dissatisfied | grandeur(yer) |
ran | accept | fascinate | chapter |
can | canvas | candidate | anxious(anghshus) |
pan | happy | agriculture | athlete |
ban | barren | saturday | bachelor |
Has that man had a nap?
Can the cat catch the rat from the"fack?
After class, Danny ran to get a can
Some contrasting minimal pairs fo~ short a and short e:
man - men
ad - Ed
lad - led
lass - less
sand -----send
bad - bed
bat - bet
pan - pen
back - beck
last - lest
mat - met
bag - beg
dad - dead
sad - said
mass - mess
Ann, lend Dan the pack.
The lad sent the mess to his dad.
I bet that lass will rest on the sand.
This is a neutral sound and it can be the pronunciation for
a, 0, u. In pronouncing this vowel, there are two things to
remember. First, the mouth is opened only a little and the
muscles are relaxed - it is impossible to say this sound
properly if the teeth are close together. Second, the lips must
not be rounded.
cut | about | under | come | the |
rut | anon | upper | condition | thug |
nut | alone | ulless | compel | thunder |
but | asleep | us | comfort | accustomed |
mutt | aghast | until | son | asunder |
tut | again | utter | some | studying |
cup | judge | summer | courage | suppression |
rup | such | succeed | triumph | unusual(zhoo) |
Sup the rough pulp in the cup.
The mother had sung her son asleep.
Under the upper double cover, I hunted for a nut.
He may not utter another word unless you come.
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