Tongue Learning

The Italian a or two dot a :as in far
Top produce this sound, the tongue is low center. The muscles
are relaxed. The mouth is wide open. The sound is made
further back in the mouth, and the length of the vowel is
freely stretched as in far.


car arm alms calm
jar farm halves balm
bar yarn khaki psalm
cigar harm half cart
mar laugh palm almond
The English II:as in ask
There is an intermediate a sound which is halfway between
the Italian a and the short a. Some call it the English a. The
sound is made with the middle of the tongue, while the
short a is made with the front, and the Italian a is made
with the back. All the words pronounced with this vowel
may be pronounced with the short a, but not all the words
which have a short a may be pronounced with this
intermediate a. (The Americans use the English a).If you
work in a 'Call Center' and have to speak American-ism,
then use this sound in all the words in which it can be
used. But if you use it inconsistently, people will easily judge
that you are trying to 'put on a show. The following are the·
chief words using this sound:

advance can't distaff graph plant
advantage cask draft grasp plaster
aft(er) casket draught grass prance
aghast cast enchant half raft
answer caste example halve rafter
ask caster fast lance rasp
aunt castle fasten last rather
avalanche chaff flask lath sample
bask chancel France laugh shaft
bath chancery Francis remand slant
behalf chandler gasp mast staff
blanch chant ghastly master staccato
Blanch(e) clasp giraffe nasty supplant

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